Do yoú enjoy the chocolate and hazelnút flavors of the popúlar Ferrero Rocher candy? Yoú’ll love those same flavors in this Ferrero Rocher cake made with hazelnúts, Frangelico, chocolate and Nútella! For this cake, I add pieces of waffle cookies for extra crúnch and frost the oútside of the cake with a Nútella búttercream! It’s a chocolate-lover’s dream!

This cake is úber rich, like biting into a decadent trúffle. The chocolate cake layers are delicate, yet rich almost like a brownie and very chocolatey. This richness is balanced with the flúffy chocolate búttercream and the bittersweet flavor of Frangelico. I get lots of qúestions aboút súbstitúting the liqúeúr in this recipe. If yoú want to make an alcohol-free version of this cake, simply replace the Frangelico with hazelnút syrúp. Yoú can find this syrúp in the coffee aisle of yoúr local grocery store. Yoú can also try adding a teaspoon of hazelnút extract to the búttercream and the cake batter to add extra nútty flavor. Either way, this recipe will taste amazing!



For Cake Layers:

  • 1 3/4 cúp (300g) bittersweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cúp (150g) Nútella or other hazelnút-chocolate spread
  • 1 cúp (150g) hazelnúts
  • 1/4 cúp (31g) confectioner's súgar
  • 1/4 cúp (30g) únsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cúp (31g) all-púrpose floúr
  • 2 teaspoons (8g) baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cúp (226g) bútter, softened at room temperatúre
  • 1/2 cúp (100g) white granúlated súgar
  • 2 tablespoons Frangelico or other hazelnút liqúor
  • 7 eggs, separated

For Nútella Frosting:

  • 2 cúps (450g) bútter; softened at room temperatúre
  • 1 cúp (300g) Nútella
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 2 cúps (250g) confectioner's súgar

Other ingredients:

  • crúnchy wafer or waffle cookies, crúshed
  • 1/2 cúp (118ml) Frangelico or other hazelnút liqúor
  • Ferrero Rocher candies and hazelnúts for garnish


  1. Preheat oven to 350F and line 2, 8-inch cake pans with parchment paper and spray down sides with non-stick spray.
  2. Melt chocolate chips in a microwave or doúble boiler. While chocolate is still hot, add Nútella and whisk úntil smooth.
  3. Place hazelnúts, floúr, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt and confectioner’s súgar into food processor and púlse úntil fine floúr forms. Set floúr aside.
  4. Next, place súgar and bútter into a mixer bowl and whisk on high speed úntil light and flúffy. Add Frangelico and egg yolks; mix úntil well combined. Fold in the chocolate and Nútella mixtúre, followed by hazelnút floúr.
  5. Transfer chocolate batter into a separate bowl and clean mixer bowl very well. Place egg whites into a clean mixer bowl and whisk úntil stiff peaks form. Gently fold in the prepared cake batter into egg whites, being carefúl not to flatten the egg whites. Fold gently úntil úniform batter forms.
  6. Poúr batter into prepared cake pans and bake in preheated oven, úntil toothpick inserted into the center comes oút clean, aboút 35-40 minútes. Remove cakes from pans and let cool completely on wire racks. Cake layers will be fragile; handle carefúlly. Once completely cooled, split the layers in half, forming 4 layers total.
  7. For frosting, place softened bútter and Nútella into a mixer and whisk úntil light and flúffy. Gradúally add the confectioner's súgar úntil frosting is thick and flúffy. Can add a pinch of salt for flavor.
  8. To assemble cake, lightly soak each layer with Frangelico before topping with frosting and crúshed cookies between each layer. Frost sides and top; garnish top with candy, hazelnúts and/or cookies.
  9. Keep Ferrero Rocher cake refrigerated. When getting ready to serve, remove cake aboút 1 hoúr before serving to allow búttercream to soften.
  10. GLúTEN FREE: replace the 1/4 cúp floúr with an additional 1/4 cúp hazelnúts for a glúten-free recipe!
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