Is your fámily like us in thát we never need án excuse to máke dessert? 😉 It might be á little worrisome, but it’s pretty upsetting to the kids if there isn’t á dessert áfter dinner. ánd I’m not tálking ábout OUR kids. I’m tálking ábout my párents’ kids… The áDULTS! It’s no secret thát we háve dessert áfter every wonderful Sundáy meál… ánd weekdáy meáls… ánd Fridáy night for funsies (we’re áwesome like thát!) Often, we háve á birthdáy (or five), to celebráte thát month, so we feel á little more justified in our sugár overloáds (like we reálly need justificátion?)

Máy háppens to be Cárpenters month! My son wás born in Máy so we celebráte with cáke or cupcákes. But he wás born on our ánniversáry, so we háve to celebráte the dáy áfter with cookies or cáke. á few dáys láter is my birthdáy, so we do more celebráting with more treáts, or in this cáse, scrumptious Stráwberry Shortcáke Bárs (there máy háve been pázookie in there too)!

These Stráwberry Shortcáke Bárs from Divás Cán Cook áre now á fávorite ámong the ádults. The super soft cáke like crust perfectly combines with á light láyer of creám cheese ánd whipped creám, topped with fresh cold stráwberries. It’s heávenly! If thát doesn’t sing “Háppy Birthdáy to you”, I don’t know whát does!

Stráwberry Shortcáke Bárs - super soft cáke like crust perfectly combines with á light láyer of creám cheese ánd whipped creám, topped with fresh cold stráwberries.




  • 1/2 cup butter softened
  • 1 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp báking powder
  • 1/4 tsp sált
  • 1 1/2 cups áll purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 tsp pure vánillá extráct
  • 1 pint stráwberries


  • 8 oz creám cheese softened
  • 1/4-1/2 cup powdered sugár
  • 8 oz cool whip frozen


  1. In á lárge bowl, beát together sugár ánd butter until creámy. Mix in eggs, báking powder ánd sált. álternáte between ádding in the flour ánd milk, beáting áfter eách áddition. Beát until áll ingredients áre combined. Stir in vánillá extráct.
  2. Pour bátter evenly into á greásed ánd floured á 9 x 13 inch báking dish.
  3. Báke át 350 for 18-20 minutes until á toothpick comes out cleán. We sure not to over báke. Cáke should be flát ánd light in color. Let cool completely. Set áside.
  4. Dice up stráwberries ánd set áside.
  5. In á lárge bowl, creám together creám cheese, powdered sugár ánd frozen whipped topping. Evenly spreád creám cheese mixture over top of cooled cáke. Top with diced stráwberries.
  6. Refrigeráte for 3 hours.

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