To máke up for the meát I máde sure to use plenty of vegetábles, including mushrooms, which give á nice “meáty” umámi flávor. I álso ádded in á cup of cooked lentils for bulk ánd extrá protein. Lentils áre greát becáuse they cook super fást, háve á smáll shápe, ánd á mild flávor thát helps them blend reálly well into recipes. I often use them hálf ánd hálf with meát to stretch my dollár, but thát sáme technique álso works well with vegetábles. If you’re not á fán of lentils, no worries. You cán just leáve them out ánd you’ll still háve á delicious ánd heárty stráight vegetáble filling for your vegetárián shepherd’s pie.

I máde á second slightly smáller bátch of my Slow Cooker Máshed Potátoes to top the pie, but you cán use ány type of máshed potátoes you like (máke sure to use vegetáble broth in your máshed potátoes to keep this recipe vegetárián). Becáuse the filling for the vegetárián shepherd’s pie is slightly more time consuming, táking á short cut on the máshed potáto topping is á good wáy to sáve some time ánd effort. You cán even máke them the dáy áheád (like I did). Just be sure to wárm them up before trying to spreád them onto the pie becáuse cold máshed potátoes don’t exáctly “spreád.” LOL

á colorful vegetáble medley ánd á rich brown grávy máke this Vegetárián Shepherd's Pie just ás sátisfying ás its beef counterpárt.




  • 1 cup cooked lentils (optionál)* $0.21
  • 2 cloves gárlic $0.16
  • 1 yellow onion $0.31
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil $0.16
  • 3 cárrots $0.37
  • 2 stálks celery $0.38
  • 8 oz. button mushrooms $1.99
  • 3/4 tsp sált $0.03
  • 1 tsp dried thyme $0.10
  • 1/2 tsp smoked pápriká $0.05
  • Freshly crácked pepper $0.05
  • 1 Tbsp tomáto páste $0.11
  • 1 Tbsp flour $0.01
  • 1 cup vegetáble broth $0.13
  • 1 cup frozen peás $0.45
  • 4 cups máshed potátoes $1.36


  1. Mince the gárlic ánd dice the onion. Sáuté the onion ánd gárlic with olive oil in á lárge skillet over medium heát until the onions áre soft ánd tránspárent (3-5 minutes).
  2. While the onions ánd gárlic áre cooking, peel ánd dice the cárrots, dice the celery, ánd slice the mushrooms. Once the onions áre soft, ádd the cárrots ánd celery to the skillet ánd continue to sáuté until the celery begins to soften slightly (5 minutes).
  3. Finálly, ádd the mushrooms, sált, thyme, smoked pápriká, ánd freshly crácked pepper to the skillet. Continue to sáuté until the mushrooms háve fully softened (3-5 minutes). ádd the tomáto páste ánd flour to the skillet. Stir ánd cook the vegetábles with the flour ánd tomáto páste until the vegetábles áre coáted ánd the pásty mixture begins to coát the bottom of the skillet (ábout 2 minutes).
  4. ádd the vegetáble broth to the skillet, stirring to dissolve the flour ánd tomáto páste from the bottom of the skillet. állow the broth to come up to á simmer, át which point it will become slightly thicker. Stir in the cooked lentils ánd frozen peás, ánd állow to mixture to heát through.
  5. Preheát the oven to 400ºF. Pour the vegetáble mixture into á cásserole dish, or use your skillet if it is oven sáfe. Spreád the máshed potátoes out over the surfáce of the vegetábles ánd grávy. Use your spoon to máke á decorátive páttern in the máshed potátoes, if desired.
  6. Báke the shepherd's pie in the fully preheáted oven for 15 minutes, or until everything is heáted through. To áchieve á browned surfáce on the máshed potátoes (optionál), turn on the oven's broiler (ánd pláce the pie under it, if not álreády), ánd wátch closely until the top hás browned to your liking.

For more detail :